How Do I Love Thee
"Its been awhile." I cant believe these are the first words I told you after four years since we last saw each other.My mouth betraying my heart...again.My heart thats screaming, "I miss you. Im sorry. I love you. Can you please take me back?" Foreword Present"Its been awhile." I cant believe these are the first words I told you after four years since we last saw each other.My mouth betraying my heart...again.My heart thats screaming, "I miss you. Im sorry. I love you. Can you please take me back?"------------------------------------------------JISOO POV True love comes quietly, without banners or flashing lights. If you hear bells, get your ear checked." - Erich Segal Ask me about love and I could probably recite to you a thousand poems from Emily Dickinson to Lang Leave. Ask me again what my own definition of love is and Ill probably stare at you blankly. Its not like, I dont believe in it. I love reading about love. I love stories about love. I love Love as long as it isnt associated with me. I dont really care much about it when its about me. It doesnt bother me if Im single or not. I dont seek anyone, if it comes great, if not its fine. Its just the way I am. I dont dream about someone sweeping me off of my feet. Or that cliche white picket fence with 3.5 children. No, it didnt occupy my mind 24/7, it didnt even graze it. I was more focused on three things aside from family and friends: Dalgom,my books and my sleep. Those three are the things I could never live without. At least, before you. Honestly, I dont really remember meeting you. I just knew you as a friend of a friend. I may have seen you in passing in parties but I could never really pin point the exact moment our eyes met or the first words we spoke to each other. So it wasnt love at first sight. I didnt look into your eyes and say "Shes the one." We didnt bump into each other and thought that the world stopped. It wasnt fireworks when our eyes meet. There were no bells ringing when I heard your voice. It wasnt one of those cliche moments were destiny pushed our stars to align. Its more of a journey of our souls intertwining.