Two male superstar are conquering the hearts of the Korean fans, namely, Kim Jaejoong or famously known as ‘Asia’s Cold Prince and the other one is none other than Jung Yunho, he is called as ‘Asia’s Bad Boy. Both are rich, good-looking, has over flowing charisma…etc… Nothing more can a girl ask for. Only one can be named as Korea’s Number One, who would it be? The Asia’s Cold Prince? Or the Asia’s Bad boy. Credits:Poster made by Phebs from i-DEAS! Thanks! Foreword≈ After the stories: The Cold Kingka vs. My Mysterious Roommate, -TWIN HEARTS-, Ephemeral Love & In The Club≈ Now, I bring you a new story that will kidnap your heart… S C A N D A L O U SIf this story didnt touch your heart then maybe your... LungsWhat comes in to your mind whenever you heard that underlined word? Well it came from a root word: ‘scandal’ That’s all, no need to explain further! ------- About The Story -------�Title: S C A N D A L O U SCharacters: You, Jung Yunho, Kim JaejoongGenre: Comedy, and mainly Romance and JealousyPlot: Two male superstar are conquering the hearts of the Korean fans, namely, Kim Jaejoong or famously known as ‘Asia’s Cold Prince and the other one is none other than Jung Yunho, he is called as ‘Asia’s Bad Boy. Both are rich, good-looking, has over flowing charisma…etc… Nothing more can a girl ask for. Only one can be named as Korea’s Number One, who would it be? The Asia’s Cold Prince? Or the Asia’s Bad boy. Character’s Profile: Kim Jaejoong (Asia’s Cold Prince)Age: 22Job: Idol, Actor, model, singer and a pianistBest about him *Answered by his fans*: His cold gaze, quiet, His tall nose, small mouth, kissable lips and the yummy body! I want to eat him!--- The fan insisted me to write more about him but I rejected it because it is TOO long ---Company: HwanheeMortal enemy in his position: Jung Yunho�Jung Yunho (Asia’s Bad Boy)Age: 22Job: Idol, Actor, dancer, singer, model, can play drumsBest about him *Answered by his fans*: He is a SEX GOD! He is gorgeous and has a godlike body. I so want him! Damn it Jung Yunho, I will eat you up!---Millions of answers were omitted because of too much usage of ‘sexy words’---Company: KwangdaeMortal Enemy in his position: Kim Jaejoong YoUAge: 19Job: Still schoolingAbout you *answered by yourself: You don’t care about idols, all you care about are your studies and other school stuffs. You never had a boyfriend since birth, to make it clearer… Guys don’t chase you and you don’t chase them either so it is nothing to complain about. Additions: There will be Rated scenes so close your eyes and read. *but how?* Don’t know either...Author’s Words of Wisdom: Everybody sing, ALLELUIA!I can’t hear you.A L L E L U I A...Stop… I hate you… Now, winglin is acting strange *like always* I feel bored right now so I decided to make a new story. The whole plot wasn’t written because I don’t want to spoil the story. So be angry and write some comments! Darn it!There’s nothing much to say, “Thank you for reading and don’t leave without commenting or you will DIE” ^Spread that to make it a chain letter, well if we take a good look at it, IT’S NOT Message to Silent Readers: I am sending bribes to the ones who commented. *You’re joking right?*Yeah -Disadvantage of being too honest- Please Comment and Subscribe.Im NOT kind to say Please right now