Meant To Protect You

Daragon 30K Active
Author: MultiStan06
Time: 2023-11-02

So uh… I watch Rorouni Kenshin 2 yesterday and it was AWESOME! And then this story came to mind.hehehehe.  All of these are just products of my imagination. Just imagine, South Korea having empresses and emperors but with 21st century clothes.arasso? kekeke. Please dont kiil me. I kow I have 2 pending fanfics. But I just dont want to lose the plot of this story. :) credits t o the owner of the photso i found online!! :D ForewordBeing the first born, Dara has the responsibility to take the throne once his father steps down from being the Emperor of South Korea. She and her brother, Sanghyun or Cheondung, as what they call him, were tasked to learn how to live the life that they were destined to have. But, they were not that serious with it since for them, their father has been a great leader to their country and the people have loved them. Peace was established between their nearby countries as well. But all changed when the rebels abducted his father during one of his travels and threatened to kill them that the Emperor be killed if their demands were not provided, and by demand that means, surrendering the country. The officials then were very much worried with the Emperor and the state of the country. Many have attempted to take the position but the officials and elders had decided to give the position to Dara since she is the first born. If Sanghyun was only 21, then he would’ve been able to take the Emperor seat, but he wasn’t. Dara was 23, she was more than prepared as what the council had argued.  She grew up being prepared by his late mother who passed away 3 years ago and also, her father always taught her and Sanghyun everything they need to know. Reluctantly, she accepts the crown with the weight that it carries and the aim of leading the plan of saving his father from their enemies. At one of the meetings with the council, everyone was having a heavy feeling. All their plans to save the Emperor have failed and men have already died from the hands of those bandits. “In this type of situation, there is only 1 way that we will be able to sustain peace again and save the Emperor. I suggest we summon the help of the Black Alliance, Empress. We greatly need their assistance with saving the country and the Emperor.” Mr. Yoon, one of the members of the council suggested. “Ande. My father told me that we shall never do business with the Black Alliance again. I am fully aware what they are capable of and as much as I trust that they can save my father and bring back peace with our country, I shall not allow ruthless killings again. My father has told me and my sibling stories about their alliance.” Dara strongly objected. “Very wise decision, Empress. I have expected this answer from you. Surely, your parents will be proud of what you have become. As a prosecutor, I am happy to have heard those words.” Mr. Jeong, the prosecutor said and gave a weak smile. “But, as your uncle, Dara, think of your father’s safety and the country my child. The only way that we can save them is through the business with the Black Alliance. There’s not much we can do about this.” He continued. “The prosecutor is right, Empress. Do not worry; the Black Alliance is the best people that we can trust with this type of situations. They are well-trained and are very brave people. Our men are brave but the men from the Alliance fear no death. They have long accepted that once they are born, half of their bodies are then buried.  We can trust them. Your father has established a strong closeness to their leader and has given them all their demands in exchange with their invisibility to the society.” Mr. Choo, the head of the Defense added. Dara sighed. She wanted her father to come back, alive. She wanted to be a great Empress like her mother. She wanted to make wise decisions and she knew that her parents would never decide to summon the black Alliance with any business.  But, as a daughter and as a human, she feels the need to have her father safe from home. If she doesn’t act to this, peace may never be back to South Korea; children will have no parents and will never experience a happy childhood, and her being a complete orphan. With a deep sigh, she closed her eyes for a while. Once it opened, she too spoke. Guide me with my decisions, omma. I’m sorry appa. I just wanted you and our people to be safe. She thought. “ Very well, we shall ask for their help. “ The council all has smiles on their faces. “Miss Lim, Please send a message to Mr. Yang that I will be expecting his presence tonight. For now, we shall end this meeting. Thank you for coming. You may now go.” Everyone bowed to her before leaving. She just bows in response as well. When she was left alone in the room , she turned to her table and took the picture of her mother. She had a weak smile on her face. “Omma, please make me as wise as you. Guide me to this battle and give me strength to surpass all these. I want to be strong for Sanghyun, appa, and the country. Omma, guide me always.” A tear escaped her eyes. She immediately wiped it with her hands and put down the picture. Her battle has started. This is a fight for her country, for her brother, and for her father. xxxxxxxx Meanwhile, at the Cave (the Black Alliance’s base is called)… A messenger came in the office of YG, the head of the Black alliance. “What do the Royal bloods want this time, Minjoon?” YG asked the messenger, Minjoon without removing his eyes from the documents he was reading. “I have a message from the Empress. She wishes to see you this evening , sir.” Minjoon responded. “The empress? Is this about the abduction of his father? “ “ Deh, Head master. The council has decided to ask for your help with restoring peace to the country and saving the emperor from the Bandits that captured him.” “ And the empress agreed?” “ She objected, head master. The council insisted. They told her that there is no other way to end this war but by summoning our assistance.” YG paused and thought for a while. For several years, the Black Alliance never had any business with the present government. He and the emperor were good friends but it was all that and no other business. The Black Alliance was formed to assassinate any person or any group that go against the government. But only the government knows that. From the mere eyes of the people they are invisible. The members of the Black alliance had lived normal lives to cover up their true identity. The Black Alliance do not exist in the world of those ordinary people. “ Very well. Tell the empress that I will be coming. “ YG then dismissed Minjoon. “Deh, head master.” When Minjoon left, YG took a deep sigh. He looked at the picture on his desk. It was him and the emperor. “ 10 years, Joon Hee, 10 years. You’ve raised your daughter well, my friend. I will keep her safe while you’re not around. I will keep your family safe, as I promised, my friend.” YG spoke. YG then called his men. He has to tell them about the news and prepare them about this. xxxxxxxx YG was sitting in front of his hundreds of men. They were all aware what the sudden call was. The head master does not call all of his men if this wasn’t a serious matter. All of them grew silent when he started speaking. “ All of you are quite aware that our emperor has been abducted.” He started. “He is not just the leader of the country but he too is a great friend of mine; A person that I value, a person that I am debted to.  The empress has summoned my presence and asked for my help. I am informing you all that we will be helping them retrieve peace in this country and bring back the emperor ,alive. “ Everyone else started to gossip and whisper but grew silent again when YG continued.  “I am counting on you. I want all of you to prepare yourself for any attacks and train secretly as what we always do. Be very vigilant always and never put your guard down. Like always, we will act invisibly. We will invisibly protect this country and the Royal family. What the empress doesn’t know is that the people that abducted his father were not just bandits. But they are from the Ghost Clan. You’ll know what type of people we are against and I believe that there is more than just abducting that will happen. We will soon fine this out so all of us should be prepared. Al l the pacts should prepare their members and wait for my orders once I get back from the meeting with the impress. Also, a certain pact will be the main pact will be assigned to be with the Empress and his brother at all times. We have to make sure that they are safe. That is it for now. You can all go.” People started to leave but five men remained standing in front of YG. “ I am 100% positive that our pact will be selected to protect the royal family. Is that right, hyung?” A tall guy with strong eyes asked YG. YG just smirked in response. “ It’s fine by me. Hyung, I heard the empress is a beauty. Is it okay if she falls for me?” A panda looking guy asked. He got a smack in the head from another guy who had small eyes that made him look like his smiling.  “Shut your mouth, Maknae." A guy with squinted eyes smacked the Panda mans head. “Shut it you two. Hyung, why do we have to guard the empress? We are your best pact. Aren’t we supposed to be sent off and save the emperor?” A guy with muscular body and a Mohawk hairstyle asked.   “The Ghost clan will predict that. There’s more to happen. The abduction was part of the plan to trick the government and make them focus on retrieving the emperor back .They are after something else.” A guy with blonde hair uttered. “Smart thinking ,Jiyong. You are right. I believe that they are after something else. But I am not sure what it is. For now, I want the five of you to guard the empress and his brother. I will be introducing you to her this evening but let me talk to her first before you join us, arasso?” The five men all agreed. “This is not just like any other assassination so take this seriously and don’t let your guard down. Protect the empress with your life.”
