
Exo 10K Active
Author: InMyDreams
Latest: Laychen III
Time: 2023-11-02

Sooo ... I will post EXO-drabbles here? Im not really good at writing short things, so I dont know how many I will write, but Ill probably manage to throw something together every now and then *.*Most of them (if not all) will be Chen x EXO-members (because Im biased (a)/) If anyone has any suggestions for prompts or pairings, please send me a message or tell me in a comment, Im always looking for new ideas and inspiration ♥I cant promise I will absolutely 100% do it, but Ill try ^-^/ Foreword1st drabble - Laychen (Lay/Chen)2nd drabble - Luchen (Luhan/Chen)3rd drabble - Kaichen (Kai/Chen)4th drabble - Laychen II5th drabble - Baekchen (Baekhyun/Chen)6th drabble - Laychen III
