The road to Zhang Yi Xing was filled with lies, misery and tenderness. Yi Fan obtained the challenge. His life was already messed up. There was nothing that could hold him back, not Yi Xings parents, not his social status, not his past nor his future, no one and nothing. He wanted him, he took him, into his own personal hell. What can Yi Fan do abot it? He only loved him so much to let go, even if it means getting them both in this hell. Title: Hyung...Genre: Romance, Drama, Angst, SmutParing: Kris/Lay | KraY | FanXing | KrispyLaysRating: 17+ Foreword Feeling the sensation in his stomach, Yi Fan tries to control it before he comes "Fuck, fuck, fuck! Brat!" he hisses, pulling Yi Xing by the legs as the boy lets out small whimpers. Grabbing Yi Xings buttcheeks spreading them through the boxers, he places the tip of his cock right at the entrence, above the thin material "Yi Xing.... Feel this" he whispers getting the others attention as he pushes the lenght, pushing the boxers along in his hole."Ahh..!" Yi Xing lets out an audible moan as he feels the tip a bit, coming in, but not fully. Yi Fan hovers above the small body, panting hard eyes closed as he feels the youngers braething on his lips "Can you feel it.." he pushes in more."Y-yeah..." pushing his own ass, wanting more, deepr inside of him."Fuck... One day... Ill do you for sure..." Almost tearing the boxers with one thrust, Yi Fan lets out one last, long groan as he comes, wetting Yi Xings boxers and his hole a bit "I wish.. I cou..." he pulls himself away, a finger lingering around the hole his cock made when pushing in "...ld go deeper... Maybe, next time.." A/N: Hello ^^ We just wanted to say hi! Maybe some of the readers will know us. This account is shared by two girls who are completely in love with Krispy Lays :) Me aka ZhangSara and my friend aka Ziniime are writing a SECOND fic together and since nearly all our ideas are based on KraY we decided to use this account that Ziniime already made ^^The story is our (well at least mine) fav idea of all ideas weve had. Its filled with drama, romance steamy sex but with cute and fluffy moments! I hope you will enjoy it! ^^Until the first chapter~Zh.Sara and Ziinime aka FanXiin chuu~ 2012©FanXiing - do not plagiarize!