Shut up and kiss me ♥ one-shot request

Onew 00K Active
Time: 2023-11-02

Shinye, a typical highschool girl who yearns for romance.She knows who she likes, but what if he doesnt know about her feelings? What if her popularity status is way apart from his? Read more to find out. ForewordJESS HERE! <3IM WORKING ON A ONE-SHOT REQUEST FOR TOFUsteph! <3 Shes the first person that requested a one-shot from me. Well technically, i only do shinee one-shots~ maybe i should open up  a one-shot "store" LOL. Since im totally free tomorrow and on tuesday. (: hwaiting! its my first one-shot T.T dont bash it too hard please~ Mrs Lee Jinki unnie~ i shall try my best! i hope i dont disappoint u (:
