No Other

Donghae 10K Active
Author: iamvaganza
Time: 2023-11-02

"I promise that Ill protect you no matter what. Just embrace me, and Ill make you get your happiness.""Why would you do that?""You saved my angel. Now Ill be your guardian angel."Those words I remembered, made my tears rolled down. Finally, for almost 15 years, I cried for the first time. ForewordFandom        : Super JuniorPairing          : SiHae (SiwonXDonghae)Rating           : PG-13Genre            : Bromance, dramaDisclaimer    : This story is fictional.Terms             : First Time, Fluff-O-Meter, Humour, Love/hate, m/m, One True Pairing (OTP), Read and Review (R/R), Slash, Skin Ship, Smarm, Warm and Fuzzy Feeling (WAFF), Work In Progress (WIP)Note             : Honestly, this is my first longshot fanfic. Forgive me if theres any lacking. Its about a reward feeling which turns out to be something more... Just tell me if you want me to continue this. :)
