My Beautifully Awkward Romance (NEW TITLE)

Crackfic 40K Active
Author: QuirkyPickles
Latest: SO SORRY!
Time: 2023-11-02

Mirae is an outgoing person, whos a little bit weird (who isnt), and can make friends pretty easily. Well sort of. She has no guy friends. Its not that shes opposed to guys or is guy-phobic, its just a bit awkward for her. Either the guy thinks that she likes him or picky once they see her with her (girl) friends. So she decides to ask Kai, a transfer student, who just so happens to used to go school with her in elementary school (crazy right, its like this is a story or something?). Kai is Kai. The cool guy you know thats a little cocky, smooth and becomes inhumanly popular within a few days of school. If she wasnt weird already she decides to be even weirder by asking him an awkward question "Can you help me get a guy friend?"    AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys its been a while, work and school have really consumed my life! Ive been looking over the story and I think Im going to do some revision and changes. I think I was in a really quirky point in my life when I was writing this (I mean I still am but that was like a whole other level, it was like I reached the nirvana of weirdness) so it think its going to be a little more toned down. I realized some things sound better in person than on paper. Yes so hopefully it all works out.  ForewordMaking friends is simple enough right? I mean all you got to do is meet a person, find out if you get along, and then silently determine if youre friends or not. Its a simple formula for making fast friends, but what about friends you want to keep for a life time? If you think romance is hard, try to find real friends first, Im pretty sure its part of the preliminary package. My mind raced as I thought of how I could somehow form a shorter and less confusing spiel for Kai when I asked him my question. As if an author wrote him in here, Kai enters the scene alone with his ipod just chilling. Meanwhile Im a hot mess inside and it feels like my armpits are burning a hole through my shirt. Alright this is it. Now or never. Go big or go home. When the going gets tough the tough get going. Alright Im all out of pep talks lets just do this thing. I approached him slowly, looking both ways as though I was crossing a street instead of a hall way. Im pretty sure I look more like a stalker this way but, I really was kind of forcing myself to do this. *Baby step, baby step, unneccesary flailing of the arms, avoid pudding dropped on the ground, take a quick jog.* I looked up after a while of just looking at my feet do things and I was no where close to Kai. In fact he was leaving out the back enterance of the school getting ready to catch a bus or something. No wait, hes a cool guy right he probably drives a motorcycle or a sports car, right? I didnt have time to think about that anymore so I dashed after him. He was out of sight at this point but I wasnt about to give up. I looked down both streets to see if I could spot him but no such luck. Sigh do I have to do this again tomorrow? I already missed my bus."Are you stalking me?" I heard a voice asked disrupting me from my thoughts. "KAI!" I said way too loud to not look like a creep. "Yes thats my name, now answer the question" he said a little annoyed.Im sure he gets stalked all the time so whats his problem...oh wait right."No I wasnt stalking you. I mean yes I was following you but thats only because I got to ask you a question." I said trying hard not to break eye contact."Well then what is it? If you have a crush on me and/or want to go out, ask me again tomorrow between the hours of 12-2."For real though? This dude is so popular he has office hours? "No-no its not that." I said quickly. "Well then what is it?" He asked, patience wearing thin, and then...I went hush mode. I knew what I was going to say but my mouth wouldnt start moving."I dont have time for this. Let me know when you remember what you have to say." Kai said turning around and walking awayThis was it I had to do it or Id never convince myself this was a good idea again.I cleared my throat. "Can you help me get a guy friend?" I said as fast and loud as I could.He turned around surprised, then frowned some more."That sounds like a favor."............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Hey guys,This website stuff is really new to me so Ive been messing around with it lately and I realized that I am more technology challenged that I thought I was. I really wanted to put a poster up to make things looks more festive I guess, I know its kinda cheesy looking but this is the best that I could do for now with my abilities. Yeah so thats it.Peace and Blessings, Peace and Blessings :)
