Heaven is a place on Earth for You.
Author: MyLovelyMiyako
Latest: Short Side Story of "Heav
Time: 2023-11-02
Heres my very first writting in english :DIt was for a contest, so its pretty short (Im not used to it, so .. I dont know how, but it ended as a very fluffy thing xD) and Im sure there are mistakes so please, be nice to me and correct what it has to be corrected ;) I really want to improve ~So ... what can I tell about it ... There will be a side story (actually, I wrote a drabble and a one-shot for the contest. This is the one-shot, and the side story is the drabble) with Minhos point of view ;) and ... Its really short, so Im wondering if I should continue it ... As a fic I mean. Or I dont know, something longer. In french, I never write such a short thing, so it bother me xDBut anyways : Enjoy & Comment please :D