ஐ All Is Fair In Love and War ஐ Jo Youngmin,Jo Kwangmin & No Minwooஐ Informations.

Korean 00K Active
Time: 2023-11-01

Hi !! In this story,youll be Kwangmins fiance,youre engaged to him since birth {like Sleeping beauty}.You left to US with your mom and never saw him again.but after 10 years.Youre finally back.But what happens when you accidentally mess with Some Hearts ? This is made for fun ! please enjoy and leave a comment if theres any mistakes !! Peace&Love,Sakura-Chan !! ForewordName:Kang Soyeong {So-yung}Age:16 {You are born in july 13th,meaning youre younger then the Jo twins,and older than Minwoo}Looks:You have a pretty big and attractive eyes,youre face is not big as most koreans are.Youre hair is to your mid back and its naturally curly,but you blow dry it.It is a very dark black colour however you dyed it caramel brown.You are 156 cm ,And you are 45.you have a curvy body.good Personality:You are a very sweet girl,when you answer the phone,people mistook you as a 7 year old.youre voice is very girlish and high pitched{in a good way}.you care alot about others and always put them before yourseld.you are kind caring & too childish.youre always happy and smiling alot.and you are very soft girl.when youre with the one you love you become "blind".Bad personality traits:You are  a BIG crybaby,and since you are overly sensitive,you dont have alot of friend.the only friend you have are the Jo twins.you are very innocent and can be fooled easily.When you know something is wrong,you are to scared to say it.but it quickly showes because you are not talking like you usually do.When you feel stressed,sad bummed bothered etc.Youre whole body would shake and youd atumatically cry.and you cant control youre emotions,so it usually happens infront of people.you have a weak heart.and you cant stand seeing someone cry{be it enemy or friend}.Likes:Stuffed animals.love,kids,video games,snacks.pastas/macaronesfears/dislikes:vegetables,and meat.bugs insects,the dark,the bathroom,blood.history:You are Kwangmins fiance,your mother and his mother were very close.so they both agreed to marry their first child to the others.And since GaMin.Had gave birth to twins,she decided to choose the youngest,Kwangmin to be the fiance.Assuming that hed be chilish and irresponible.But it was the exact oppesite.You were born in July 13th,1995.and you,according to your mom.Played with The twins alot.when you all turned 5.Your mom wanted to go to U.S and study their.and ofcourse she dragged you with her.Years past,you are now 16.You are as childish as a 6 year old.but you grew more feminine looks.you whine like a kid.you knew your fiance became a star.you couldnt be more happier,because you get to see him on t.v even if hes not around.You also text and message him 24/7.sometimes at midnight,before concert,between breaks,in practises.Even though you two are miles and miles apart.you have this connection in your heart,a connection that bothere Youngmin.
