
Angst 200K Active
Author: kimdahyunjin
Time: 2023-11-02

Everyone warned Tzuyu to stay away from the cheerleaders... especially Minatozaki Sana. So why cant she seem to get the upperclassman out of her head?Minatozaki Sana is a flirt, shallow and lewd on the outside, but hiding a secret past on the inside. Everyone knows she kinda has a thing for field hockey players, so its no surprise to anyone when she sets her sights on the new girl. ForewordWelcome in yall! This AU started off as a SaTzu with a prompt about a sleepwalking Sana, and a shy innocent Tzuyu, but as usual I got a little carried away and ended up writing so much more.It mainly revolves around collegiate field hockey (which I knew nothing about before writing this), so if you dont like sports or sport related banter this fic may not be the most intersting to you at times. But there is also cheerleading, Games Club, a dance competition, and a secret art project mixed in!For the most part I tried to keep it pretty PG-13. But there are still references/implications of sex and light sexual humor. Also, if youve read my work before, keep your eyes peeled for lots of easter eggs/references to the other stories. I always have so much fun trying to work those in :)Title inspired by "Baggage" by GryffinOh! MiHyun shippers, come get yall bread. That is a new one for me, but I really liked writing that rare pair.Lets begin this journey. I hope you guys enjoy reading as much as I had fun writing! Thanks,kimdahyunjin p.s. shout out to all the ATCs, Athletic Therapists, Physios, etc. out there. Yall the real MVPs
