Through the Memory Lane
Its sad when the person can walk right past you like you were never there...Trying to outrun all the memories, but I keep falling down. This is a compilation of one-shots/two-shots on crushes/infatuation/puppy love etc.These stories will be 99% true with an exception of 1% which is the characters names.In order to protect the identities of the characters, idols/fictional characters will be used. Ever found yourself looking in his/her direction secretly?Were you waiting all this while for him/her to notice and smile in your direction but he/she never did?Do you have an unforgettable memory to share? If yes, you are at the right place!We would really love to hear from you...Please kindly PM either watermelon or Pistachio if you are interested to send in your entries. After which, we will provide you with details on how to send in your stories. ForewordHello guys! :DI am really excited to do up "Through the Memory Lane" together with Pistachio !!!Hope you guys would support by subscribing/commenting and most importantly, contributing your experiences.I will be looking forward to all your entries and do look forward to mine(;"The hardest things to let go of are the things you never really had."-watermelon Hey, this is Pistachio here!Ill be collaborating with watermelon in this story (which really isnt a story, but it is actually a compilation of stories).Through this joint project, I hope to understand human behaviour better too.You can leave a comment below, at our walls or PM us if youre interested to contribute to our mini project.Well get back to you soon.Were nice. We wont bite! Pistachio Table of ContentsChapter 1: The Feelings I Buried by fujisyusuke-kun Chapter 2: The Sunshine Boy by watermelonChapter 3: Forget You Not by Pistachio Chapter 4: I liked you by watermelonChapter 5: I liked you by watermelon Chapter 6: You Belong with Me by 13lieveELF (Pending...)