Bruises imprented like tattoos, inking their way towards her shattered heart. A heart fragile like glass which despite the bandaids was already irrecoverable. Bleeding feet and shards of glass piercing her flesh as she runs with bloodshot eyes and tearstricken face.Ignored wails and frozen limbs yet never a bone was broken. He was a master, he knew how much to push to create an excruciating pain without leaving any trace for him to be acused of abuse.So,why?Why would she stay with someone who made her like this?It was definitely not the money or fame, not for love, not to help him?then, what was the reason for her to undergo such a treatment day after day without trying o escape? And, if some light is shed to her life, will she leave and start from the beginning again? ForewordI am just trying to redeem myself from my previous failed stories. Just check out if you are interested or if you just watched the descendants of the sun and felt you needed some Song Joongki in your life^^Since I recently "discovered" IKON I had to add B.I and Bobbyㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ^ㅁ^슷By now you might have subscribed since it in only subscribers mode (duh) so feel free to comment or unscubscribe if you dint feel it was worth it. I you do, please at least tell me why you did so I can improve my story.PS English is not really my first language even if I try and have studied it for long so bare with my errosrs and if you see something which might represent an offense to english as a language feel free to PM me.I also added in the title the fact that the updates are going to be extremely slow since I am in my first year of IB and for those who know how it works you will also know about the whole load of deadlines and exams we have. Nevertheless I will try to update every time we have a break.ENJOYWHQ.