DO as I say..
Kim Jongins life is pretty much the ideal type anyone wants. Living in a grand mansion, owning his very own company, money dropping from the skies.... Especially when he have all of this to himself. Yes, him and his alone. He thinks he has already owns the world but he never thought that his life could get any better when Do Kyungsoo steps in through the door of his life. From then on their lives change for the better or it could also maybe worse at times.... But whatever it is, they now have each other at side..---------------------------------------Plz mind that this is my very first fanfic so.................................. yeah. /flippings/I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOY IT ((though im sure its pretty lousy sobss)) P.S: IM A VERY BUSY PERSON AND I NEED MOOD TO WRITE SO I HOPE YOU GUYS CAN BEAR WITH MY DELAY T^T ForewordDo Kyungsoo nervously steps up towards the huge wooden door. He stops in front of it and took a deep breath, his stomach felt like its doing back-flips. Just as he was about to knock on the door, the door suddenly flung open from the inside and emerge a tall, slightly-tanned guy with brown layered hair. Kim Jongin was surprised to see an average small guy infront of his door. Seconds pass as both are astounded by each other and stands there staring into each other’s eyes....