Baby Hamster

Johnny 10K Active
Author: shuantics
Latest: One
Time: 10 month ago

Johnny - slightly and minimally awkward, most of the time embarrassing and usually absolutely oblivious to the small things in life (Ten likes to blame that on his height - it must be hard to see everything from all the way up there, hell say). Emphasis on usually, though, because for some reason, Johnny seems to not be able to not notice the tiny factor of Tens recent rounder cheeks... Forewordthis is weird im weird,, ok a y?? tens cheeks look really full nowadays (is it just me??) and im kind of in love..ignore me, i get pleased by the idea that my sons are eating well asdfghjkl;also, dont ask what that title it, its the best i could think of,,2000ish words of just g r o s s for my fellow johnten hoes hahah rip.comments and feedback are all appreciated <3hope you enjoy !!

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