The Race Against the Dark

Yaoi 190K Active
Author: LCBLuvsKpop
Latest: Epilogue
Time: 2023-11-02

Miro was once a beautiful land filled with vivid valleys, tall mountain tops with peaks covered in snow, vast ocean-like lakes surrounded by golden desert beaches. However, at the turn of the century, it changed. A dark void started to envelop the beautiful and majestic lands, turning it into a dark, snowy wasteland that seemed to be frozen in time. As the darkness drew closer to the castle in the center of the kingdom, the land is evacuated and its inhabitants found themselves fleeing to the neighboring kingdoms for safety, however, the king and a small family of mages remain in the land. Watching in sorrow as the land is swallowed by shadows. Using what was left of the powers, the mages and the king cast a protective barrier around the kingdom, which was expected to stay up for fifteen years – permitting the king’s unborn child to be old enough to handle the hardships coming his way.Now, fifteen years later, all but three people who fled from Miro remain – the prince and two of his servants. The barrier is slowly growing weaker and the prince has begun to have nightmares and dreams of odd people and places he has never seen before. However, on the other side of the barrier, the boy’s guardian waits for the day the barrier finally vanishes so that he can finally meet his charge and provide him protection from the darkness that is slowly inching towards him and the creatures that were hidden in the said shadows. Will the guardian of the prince be able to make it to his charge in time or will he be consumed by the shadows before his mission even begins? Will the four be able to restore light and balance to the world or will the darkness consume it?(I suggest reading the first chapter because Im not too good at these things...) ForewordHello, Im LCBLuvsKpop, feel free to call me Lane. ^^This is my 30th fanfic and is one of six I am in the progress in writing. I will try to update weekly, however, as I said I have five ofther stories that I need to finish, plus Im busy with school and very soon Ill be busy with a sport. Anyway, this is my 30th fanfic and is my first Nuest fanfic because I usually write Infinite or Teen Top fanfics. Anyway, FizUTwinS, here is the story you requested many, many months ago. Again, Im really sorry for taking forever to get this up. *bows*Thank you to anyone else who is reading this, I hope you enjoy it. ^^Sincerly, Lane CB    EDIT 8/21/14: I would like to thank reyaakoh for the awesome poster. There are really no words I can say to express my graditutde and how happy it makes me as an author to receive a gift like this.
