8 Sure Ways to be with Beast
To be with them is the important mission. Wait a minute… why would be that your mission? Why you do even wanted to be with them? There are thousand of reasons but since it’s hard to enumerate it all, let me just introduce you the boys first. Let’s start from the oldest. So as we all know, Yoon Doojoon is the oldest. He’s the charismatic leader. Next is Jang Hyun Seung. He’s known to be the prettiest of them all. Yong Junhyung is the rapper of the group. Yang Yoseob is the visual maknae. Lee Kikwang is the hottie guy. And last but not the least, Son Dongwoon. He’s the maknae. That’s just how simple to describe them. But no one could ever describe how crazy you are for them. Who are you by the way? You are this crazy fan of them. You download every song of them. You badly wanted to be in their concerts, you badly wanted to watch them in each and every show they were in, you badly wanted to buy their posters and albums but you can’t. Why? Reason #1: you don’t have money.Reason #2: you don’t have moneyReason #3: you really don’t have money. No matter how many times you wanted, you really don’t have money. You tried to think of the other ways. But your mind wouldn’t give you brilliant ideas. You don’t want them to see you as a crazy fan girl. But in fact, you are. Impossible it may be, you wanted to have a deep connection with them. You wanted to be special for them. And that’s how you thought of this ways to be with them… 8 Sure Ways to be with Beast 1. The maidIf you’d be their maid, it’ll be easy for you to be with them 24/7 except for when they need to work, of course. You’ll be able to discover secrets too! Their secret hobbies, their favorite food, everything! 2. The ManagerOf course, they’ll treat you with great respect. And yeah, you can be with them all day long! 3. The make-up artistIf you’d be the one to put make up on them, you’ll be able to stare at their beautiful eyes… you’ll be able to touch at their soft skin and caress it… Hey, those kinds of sounds like harassing them. He-he 4. The ChoreographerSince you have a talent in dancing, this is your time to shine! You will be the one to teach them! And yeah… you will be able to be with them all the time, isn’t that great? 5. The StylistIf you are their stylist, then you will be the one to style them up. You will be able to be with them, of course. Plus, a chance to see that chocolate abs personally! 6. The New TraineeIf they would need a girl for their music videos, then you’ll have a chance to be chosen! (Like that girl in the Beautiful MV) And who knows, you can be his celebrity couple. And this was not done yet. You were about to write the seventh one but you forgot it, that’s what you thought. You are sure that it was eight… but why the sudden it was just six? It has to be eight! You are very sure it was eight. You kept on thinking and thinking but your brain probably gave up. And that signaled you to sleep. You will be able to continue it tomorrow anyways. And tomorrow is the start of your mission! Tomorrow… you will be with Beast. Hopefully.Theres just one thing you should do to be with them. To do anything just for them. Foreword PROLOGUE; You got out of the building with a sad expression. It was winter, your favorite day of each year, but you were sad. You decided to cheer yourself up by walking into a near park. Children were playing merrily with the snow. Couples were walking hand-in-hand. But you were there… walking lifelessly like it’ll be the end of the world. “Uh” you were about to lose your balance but you managed, someone bumped you from your back and when you leaned at your back you just realized that guy who bumped on you just continued to walk ahead of you like nothing happened. “This stupid bastard.” You can feel your blood easily boiled upon his rude attitude. Then suddenly, he dropped a can of coke. What the hell? Didn’t his mother taught him about good manners? He was making this world more polluted! You thought. In so much anger you couldn’t help yourself anymore so you kick that can so hard. And… bam! It hit his head! You smirked as you waited for him to look back at you. “Who the hell did that?” you heard him mumbled but loud enough. Then it felt like a slow motion… he slowly looked back… And that hit your head in realization. “Shit! I-it’s him!” you mumbled as you quickly turned on your back. WARNINGYou might not like the plot so.. better not read, right? Better not to subscribe because you will really disappoint me if you would just unsubscribe later. For silent readers, its okay if you dont really want to comment as long as you continue to read but atleast give me one comment so that i know that you are really reading. hehe :)Im so sorry if the story contains some bad words. But it wasnt that harsh.Feel free not to subscribe. Feel free to unsubscribe. Feel free not to comment.But please dont bash, okay? Im not doing anything bad. If you dont want then im not pushing you to like it. :) NOTEThis is my tenth fiction. This story was based on my own imaginary. The plot was originally mine and theres no part of this fiction will ever be from others ideas. The plot was based on every fan girls dream and I just thought you might get related to this story.I might tend to delete this fiction temporarily if I dont see any improvement on it. I tend to lose hope when I saw few had recognized my work. Sorry but thats me. But I will do anything to make this as good as youre expecting.Last thing is... English is not my first language so if ever you meet some grammar errors, Im sorry for that. And I hope you would be patient in waiting for my updates. Thats all. SPECIAL THANKS [People who helped me have those wonderful graphics!!]• Free Falling Graphics (Story poster)• ◆◇|| Forever & Always Graphic Shop ||⊰ (Character Chart)• Bebi-AJ (Firstchapter banner, Sixth Chapter banner))• ❣❁*:.。..。.:゜゚ღ HAPPY KIDS GRAPHICS SH✮P ღ゜゚:.。..。.:*❁❣ (Fourth Chapter banner)• Fateful Dreamer Graphic Request Shop (Fifth Chapter banner)• Yumis Graphic Request Shop (Third Chapter banner) CHAPTER BANNERS If you now wanted to be with Beast, you may now proceed to the next chapter... :)