The Life of Kangin the Crimeboss’ Head Security

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Author: euisgelo
Time: 2023-11-02

Kangin wonders, what he did to deserve this kind of life. Well, okay, he kills people for living, but as far as the crime rules go, he’s the model criminal citizen of all. He wonders when his life turns completely upside down. Surely not when his Boss turned gay and got a new trophy boyfriend?  Note: Time passed and I still haven’t get beta-er. *sigh* here I am using this site again for my own personal experiment ground. Hope you don’t mind. Please I’ll be fucking grateful if you point out mistakes and flaws instead of kudos. Do kudos later. When I have a perfect fic for you. I got one ;)Beta by: maiki-rashu Foreword  When he tries to figures if a bloody Sungmin is an alive Sungmin, the door to the warehouse creaks open and a soft curses echo all over the empty room. It’s the business time and Kangin braces himself a little tighter despite of the disagreement of his broken ribs. It shouldn’t be a surprise that the one walking down to him is the boyfriend himself. But Kangin couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t seen this coming.
