call me hyung

Other 00K Active
Author: YugyeomLove_r
Latest: New Series
Time: 2023-11-02

This takes place after yoo jin woo finds out min soeks secret and before he got sick. "What do you want, Anything i swear. ill d-do anything just dont tell. I need to do to do this" min soek begs, Jin woo smirks at him "why would i want anything from you?" min soek stares blankly at him suddenly jin woos eyes light up "leave, get out of my sight"min soek gives up and as soon as jin woo turns his back he throws a air punch at the back of his head. Jin woo turns his head and min soek pretends to be scratching his head. "oh yeah and one more thing. I dont want you talking informally to anyone in this company, Or else. including me" he turns away again and walks away with a wave of his hand. *Knock Knock Knock* "COME IN" min soek yelled slowly the door opens and jin woo walks in "great, what do you want?!" wait wait wait. let me explain. Min soek didnt mean to say it. Really he didnt, espesially not to jin woo. But regardless he did and jin woos face didnt look happy. Jin woo tilted his head. "Exuse me?" all in one motion, jin woo closed the door and curtains. he walked up to min soek and by then min soek was already out of his seat. Jin woo grabbed min soek and pushed him into the wall by his throat "Say that again" min soek tried to stop it. He tried hard but nothing could stop the hard on that was forming in his work pants. "H-hello, h-hyung" he said. jin woo surely felt min soeks hard on, He had to have had. Slowly jin woo looked down "oh? Looks like someone doesnt hate me as much as they act like it" jin woo smirks before taking it further "are you hard for hyung, min soek?" he said his hannd travelling downwards. Min soek whimpered "s-stop" jin woo chuckled before pulling away, Min soek looked away in embarrasment and jin woo smirked. "ah. the secrets keep coming huh, high schooler. Who wouldve known you had a thing for me, not to mention a very embarrasing hyung/doengsang kink" when jin woo was finished talking min soeks face was so red you could mistaken it with a tomato. His back was still pressed up against the wall and his eyes were closed. He opened his eyes and spoke "W-what did yo-" he cut himself off when he saw jin woo raise his eyebrow "H-how can i help you hyung" min soek asked cowering away from jin woos hard stare. "i csme to tell you what i want in regards to keeping your secret, But now i dont have to tell you. it will be a suprise. Bye min soek" ForewordTo say that min soek was scared of jin woo was an understatement. He was terrified of the guy. Hes just to tall, and charasmatic. He could pin him down in seconds. And now that jin woo knew his weakness it just makes it even worse. What does he want anyways. Geez .Min soek was so in thought that he didnt realize that he was walking right infront of jin woo until they colided. Min soek looked up to see it was jin woo that he had bumped into. Fear and lust Clouded his eyes. "O-oh my gosh hyung, Im so sorry. I-i wasnt watching where i was going..." he scrambled over his words and he looked around. Jin woo chuckled loving the power he had over him, and knowing that min soek would never show anyone this side of him made him love it even more "YAH, watch where your going, doengsang" he said just to make him shiver. "s-sorry" he said barely above a whisper looking up with big innocent eyes. it was enough to make jin woo want to cum in his pants. He rolled his eyes and reached down to help up the high schooler. When min soek got up he kept his eyes trained on the floor "Yah, is the floor more interesting than the real world, Geez" he said before turning and walking awayIt was 9 O-clock when min soek called soo young, Not expecting to hear what he heard. He rushed over to jin woos apartment and quickly went in. The first thing he was was soo young getting out things to make seaweed poridge. He immidietly pushed her out of the way  to make it himself. He demanded her to leave stating that he get out of control when hes jealous which is partially true seeming as he liked jin woo... did he just admit that, Oh gosh. As soon as she left he went to the room and forced jin woo to take his medicine. it wasnt long before he fell asleep and min soek was feeling quite tired to. So as a result hewent to jin woos closet and threw somthing on. he walked back over to jin woos bed and grabbed his arm "geez, why am in doing this" he asked himself. He slowly began massaging his arms and before long he fell asleep to.
