Camp Im
Author: OffTheChaeng
Latest: Chapter 8 [Day 2 Final Pa
Time: 2023-11-02
Girls Generation were on the verge of breaking up. Tensions and fighting were now just a normality, everything was falling apart. Their Soshi bond a thing of the past. But one member refused to give up, she was determined to bring them all together again, including Jessica Jung. Two weeks, a huge tent, and 9 girls. Team OT9! It was the awesomest team-building plan ever. Welcome to Camp Im! ForewordSo, I hope my description was good, I usually suck at those, but I hope you would enjoy reading this, and I hope to get positive feedback. Im not sure if I should put pairings in this, but Ill wait. Please comment if you would like me to continue! :D thank you!