White Snow

Luhan 00K Active
Author: DevilsPetal
Latest: Final
Time: 2023-11-02

Chanyeol loved snow. So much that even Baekhyun couldnt understand it. But at the same time it didnt matter to him if he could understand it or not. All that mattered was that Chanyeol was happy. That he kept smiling and would never be sad. And of course there was one thing that he knew. That even Chanyeol loved snow, there was one thing he loved more. ForewordI dedicate this fanfiction to my best friend apfeltee.Its one of your (early) christmas gifts!I am so glad to have you in my life. You are one of the most wonderful things that ever happened to me and I wish that our ways will never part.Thank you for everything.Hugs and kisses from Nao :)
