Reality of a Dream
Dreams were meant for fools, they supposed. Youngjae always knew otherwise. ForewordThere used to be a story about a boy. No one knew where he came from, no one knew who he was, the only thing they knew for certain was that he was blind. Well, that, and that he was looking for this certain ‘Great Perhaps’, per se. He himself didn’t know where it was or how on earth he was supposed to find it, but he decided to just go on walking until the end.He was crazy, some would say, and maybe he was. The vision of his Great Perhaps came to him in a vivid dream, after all. Nobody followed their dreams anymore, so the kid wasn’t too far from insane if you think about it. Dreams weren’t reality and therefore were nothing but a fleeting moment in which one had the freedom to imagine. PENS, PLANS, AND THE GREAT PERHAPS || Writing Contest I chose prompt THREE: Whos to say that dreams and nightmares arent as real as the here and now?Lame story is lame. That is all. Oh. and parasailing is AWESOME.Love, Jelly <3