SuperSt☆r Roleplay ll OPEN ~☆
WELCOME TO SUPERSTAR ROLEPLAY~!!HERE ARE THE RULES~!!1. Subscribe before you request.2. See on Chapter 1 & 2 to see if your idol is avalible.3. When requesting for an idol, put it into this form: I would like to be _____ from _____ and get 3 stars please. 4. When I say 3 stars, I will give you 3 pictures of a star. Each time you are bad, and do not follow orders, or do not tell me you are on hiatus, or I hear complaints about you, you will lose a star. ( I will give you a red, orange, and yellow one. If you are bad, you take away the yellow, then if you are bad again, take away the orange. If totally bad, you are over.)5. Once I say yes, create an account. Deadline is 5 days.6. When you make an account, but Star_ (Idols name) Like Star_IU. 7. Add everyone. everyone is family.8. No 3 persons POV.9. Use brackets when talking OOC. ( When you are not talking as your charcater)10. You have to include this in your new account somewhere, If not (Deadline 5 days) I will warn you, Then if you still dont have it (After warning, you get another 5 days) YOu are dead :)11. Add the three stars to your profile12. No Yaoi and Yuri Mian~13. Have fun~~~~( I know I am not the best in doing these, actually, I am just starting~!) ForewordAdmin/s:IU/ Lee JieunNEED MORE ADMINS/ ROLEPLAYERS~~