Everyone makes mistakes. Making a mistake is something that will always happen being a human being, no matter how much you try to control it. Some people cant seem to move on from their own mistake; others try to forget and move on with their lives; others try to fix their mistakes to make everything better; and others have regrets.Minji Gong made one mistake that she was never going to forget. One mistake that she knew she would never forgive herself for. That was letting go of the one person that meant the world to her. That one person she knew she was never going to find again in this lifetime. That one person was Kim Jong In. If she had known any better, she would have never made her decision. But things happened, and everything became difficult for her to try to make better, so she made the decision that she knew she would regret forever. And she did. She thought it was the end of it. She believed that she couldnt fix what was broken anymore. Until one day, the two unexpectedly happened to cross paths again, and he suddenly came back into her life. He just wasnt the same anymore and she was the only one to blame for that. The only problem for her now was how she was going to move on from her mistake when the person she did it to came back into her life. ForewordMinji Gong (Min)English and Language Arts Teacher at Eagle Rock Elementary School Jong In Kim (Kai)Civil Engineer Project Manager at HNTB Corporation Chanyeol Park (Chan)Pharmicist at CVS Pharmacy Dara ParkModel for NEXT Management Kim Myungsoo (L)Freelance Actor for Television Series based in California Bae Su Ji (Suzy) Bartender @ The Vault Nightclub & Lounge"Just remember that youre the one who gave up on us. I never did once, and it never even crossed my mind for me to give up on us. I didnt care if we were gonna go through hell. I just wanted to be with you." Minji paced around the living room, going back and forth, left to right, kitchen to living room, not being able to stay still at all. She ran her hand through her extremely messy hair, letting out a few sighs from time to time. She knew that she shouldnt be acting like this, nor even let it bother her, but she couldnt help herself. She knew she had no right to be worried like this, but nothing could help it at all. It didnt really help that she had his freaking number saved on her phone, but she had no courage to text him or even ask where he was, just because she felt like she had no right to do that. However, it was already thirty minutes past midnight and she had no idea why he wasnt in his room. It felt strange not hearing any of his footsteps or hearing the soft music play from his room where she could hear it because she was in the room next to him. Also, Dara wasnt home as well, which made her worry that they might have been out together. Groaning to herself, she finally sat on the kitchen island, drinking her soda that was placed there. "What the hell are you doing, Minji? Just go upstairs already, stop worrying about this guy," she softly spoke to herself, trying to get a grip. Their relationship ended long ago, and she was the one who decided to make it happen. She cut off all ties with him and he just went along with it. It wouldnt be right of her to show that she was being worried about him, when she should literally just go back into her room and sleep after a long day of work at the school. She jumped up from her seat when she heard Chanyeols deep voice come out of nowhere. "What are you doing down here by yourself?" Gasping a little, she turned around and saw the extremely tall man walk into the kitchen, being all dressed up, which confused her because it was already late. Chanyeol was usually the first person in the house to shoot straight to his room right after work and change into his sleeping attire. As he went to the fridge to grab water, Minji replied, "I got thirsty." "So youre just chilling here by yourself, drinking your coke?" Chanyeol questioned playfully, drinking the bottled water he grabbed out from the fridge. Minji smiled and nodded her head. "What are you up to? You going somewhere?" "I am," he said, rolling his eyes upwards. "I got into an argument with the girlfriend. It was my fault though, so I have to drive my ass to her house to go apologize. You know any flower stores that are still open?" Widening her eyes, she answered, "Chanyeol. Its 12:30 in the morning, what would be open? And besides, your girlfriend doesnt seem like the type to like flowers." "Trust me, she has an inner romance in her, I know her the best," Chanyeol responded, going over to the key hanger that they had near the fridge. Grabbing his car keys, he went on, "Alright, Im doing boyfriend duties. Ill see you tomorrow. You good being by yourself?" She smiled and nodded her head reassuringly, appreciating the concern he had for her. Chanyeol was probably the most friendliest and outgoing person that she has ever met, and he was certainly the most under everyone who was living under this household, including herself. He was also beyond adorable so it helped her become comfortable living in this house after choosing random people to live with. There was one thing about Chanyeol that reminded her of herself was the relationship that she used to have with that certain someone. Chanyeol was such an adorable boyfriend to his girlfriend, Tia, that it made her always look back on herself and what she couldve done to make everything right with him. Living with Chanyeol, she always had those moments where she thought back about her and Kais relationship, knowing it was definitely too late now. "Damn though," Chanyeol continued, looking around the room. "Kai and Dara still arent back from that party?" Her eyes shot up widely. "Huh? Party?" "Yeah," Chanyeol answered. "Dara had a banquet party with the company, so she invited Kai to come along so she could do some drinking, ya know? That girl forever wants to get wasted." "And he went with her?" Minji questioned, her heart feeling like it had dropped to the floor once she knew that those two were together. It stung even more when Chanyeol said Dara invited Kai to come along, and the fact that he actually went with her made her feel down in so many ways. Kai was never a party person - no matter how many events she invited him to go to, he would never tag along, but he tagged along with Dara. Has he changed that much over the years that has passed? Shrugging, Chanyeol said, "I mean, Kais a nice dude. Im sure when Dara said she was going to a party, and going to come back home wasted, Im pretty sure that he had to step in somehow. That guy wouldnt leave her, or any girls to get shit-faced by themselves for all that matters." Well, she knew that. She knew he was nice, but why did he have to be nice with the girl that always threw herself at him? When Chanyeol sensed the strange tone in her voice, he tilted his head down and asked, "Youre not actually waiting for them, are you?" Very quickly, she shook her head and immediately rejected, "No, no, no. I actually got thirsty." "Okay, because Im pretty sure theyre going to be a while. If you wait up for them, those bags under your eyes will not be pleasant, girl." Minji forced a laugh at his comment, still being concerned about the party that Kai and Dara were at right now. On a daily basis, Dara already threw herself at Kai, so she didnt know how much more it would be when she had alcohol in her system. Oh god, this just made her feel worse now. How the heck was she going to sleep now? "Alright, Ill see you in the morning, Min. Night night," Chanyeol concluded, throwing her a wave, then heading out of the house. When Minji was left alone again, she just groaned so loudly and put her head on the table. Why did she have to feel like this? Why was being jealous over someone that wasnt hers anymore? Why did she not like the idea of those two being at a party together? Why was this bothering her so much when she was the one who ended the relationship?Why, why, why, why? All she knew was that she wasnt going to get a good night sleep tonight knowing this. Hello my lovely readers. I created a new story using Minji and Kai, so hopefully this couple will work out for this story. Hehe. Please subscribe, comment and leave some feedback if you want to continue reading. Love love. <3 -Marisa