
Graphic 10K Active
Author: Kizlyphe
Time: 2023-11-02

Kim Minseo and her brother Kim Hanbin decide to throw a party while their parents are on an anniversary trip. Little do they know, the party will take a sudden turn when some uninvited guests decide to make an appearance... What happens when a hazy dream becomes a horrible nightmare?CharactersKim Jiwon (Bobby) - Hanbins best friend and OCs crushKim Hanbin - OCs bigbrotherKim Minseo (OC) - Hanbins littlesister(You can picture her looking like Jennie from Blackpink)Story will also involve a few more characters like a few more IKON members, the Kims parents and some bad guys!Id like to point out that I do not own any of the pictures you will see on this story (or any of my stories)!I would be thrilled if you subscribed or left me a comment or an upvote! :)Please enjoy! ForewordI took a shortcut through a warehouse, trying to find my allies while glancing at the map in the upper left corner of my screen. I quickly spotted an enemy player lurking behind a corner of a dusty building, and neutralized him in a blink of an eye. I could hear swearwords gushing through my headphones, making it difficult for me to concentrate.”YAH MINSEO!”This time the voice didnt come from my headpieces. I lifted my headphones to my temples and waited for another call. If it had been the person I thought itd been, he wouldnt have hesitated to call me again.”KIM MINSEO!”As Id figured. Letting out a frustrated groan, I slid my headphones back on and ignored the demanding calls.”Who’s that?” A low voice spoke through my headpieces. It was Chanwoo, Jung Chanwoo, my childhood friend and my gaming partner. After spawning, I quickly checked the map and started looking for the terrorist bomb.”Babo Hanbin”, I replied indifferently, trying my best to focus on the game. Despite my famous concentrating skills, I couldnt help but to wonder what could possible be so important that it made my brother scream like a madman right in the middle of my game. Was he too lazy to stand up and get the TV remote? Or had he perhaps ran out of toilet paper again?”He’s bossing you around again? Aish that bastard”, Chanwoo chatted through his microphone. He sounded a bit sick, which I assumed was because he had been babysitting his sisters cat for two days now. He was allergic to cats. ”Tell him to fuck off.”I chuckled at Chanwoo’s remark, but kept my cool to stay focused. I was too close to defusing the bomb to be distracted.”YAH KIM MINSEO!”Another player crept up behind me and shot me just before the green mark reached the end on the little diagram.I sighed aggressively and took off my headphones. ”I’ll be right back”, I mumbled to the microphone before exiting the game. Hanbin rarely interrupted my games, so I decided to go check on him, incase he really had something important to say. Just as I was about to open the door and walk out of my room, the door swung open and hit me right in the nose.I couldnt even scream, before a large hand closed my mouth and forced me to stay quiet. ”Shh sorry, it was an accident, shut up”, Hanbin hissed and released me once he trusted me to stay quiet. It was typical. Whenever either of us got hurt by the other, it was essential to keep the others mouth shut. Although our parents had probably grown tired of our quarrels by now, and probably wouldnt do anything about it anyway.”I think my nose is bleeding”, I whined, holding a hand under my nose incase it dripped.Hanbin looked up to my nostrils and made a disgusted face. ”All I see is snot.”I punched my brother, causing him to sway backwards with a cheeky grin on his stupid face. He was a tad taller than me, so I had to tilt my head backwards a little to have an eye contact with him. I raised a single brow at him. ”What’s your emergency then? Why do you need to scream like that, I was in the mid-””You’re always in the middle of a game”, Hanbin interrupted me once again, rolling his eyes dramatically. ”Mom and dad are packing already, don’t you want to say goodbye and wish them a nice trip?”My expression changed as I remembered what day today was. My brother was right, our mom and dad had their anniversary trip coming up, and they were supposed to leave today, to Thailand, where they went every year. Usually they stayed there for a week, and this time wasnt an exception. Hanbin and I were left with the house for an entire week. And this time it was my first time not being underage, so I wouldnt have to leave the house when Hanbin decided to throw a party.I pushed through Hanbin and ran across the hallway to my parents’ bedroom, where they were doing their last-minute-packings. They both turned to look at me as I entered the room.”Hey, whoah what’s with the fuss?” my mom asked with a chuckle. She glanced at dad and they exchanged a meaningful look.”I came to say bye”, I explained boldly, flashing them a mischievous smile. ”Babo said you’re leaving.”Dad shot me a ”be nice to your oppa” -look and sighed. ”We are, in a bit.””Yeah, so enjoy the trip. Bring us some souvenirs”, I said and bolted out, again bumping into Hanbin on my way back to my room.”Did you wish them a nice trip?” He interrogated as I ran past him.”Yup!” I yelped from my room. I swiftly shut the door and bounced back to my gaming set. Chanwoo was still in the other end of the line, as I put on my headphones and turned on my microphone.”What did he want?” He asked immediately as I spawned back into the game. Then he sneezed. "- ahh that damn cat..."”Nothing, my parents are leaving.””Oh yeah! Today’s the party? At your place?””Yeah, I forgot about that”, I admitted while trying to get to the terrorist bomb once again. Another player spotted me and shot me from behind a army green tank. ”Oh come on!””I’m on it”, Chanwoo said, eyes and mind back in the game. We continued playing for another hour before bringing up the party again.”Who else is coming?” He asked eagerly. We had planned that hed come too - obviously, since he was pretty much my one and only friend. ”Any girls?”I rolled my eyes and shook my head even though Chanwoo couldnt see me. ”I don’t have any girlfriends. You should know that by now.”Chanwoo groaned through his mike. ”Why do you have to be such a tomboy. Get some girlfriends, you have to think of your friends’ best, Minseo. Think of my best!”Id always been the outcast, the misfit who never found her group of people in school. Chanwoo and I had been friends forever, since our mothers were pretty much best friends; they’d been friends since they were teenagers, so Chanwoo and I had been friends even before we were born, when our moms went to get manicures together, with their big baby bellies. There were actual pictures of us sleeping in our cribs side by side, that was how early on we had known each other. And because of that, Chanwoo was obviously like a dongsaeng to my brother Hanbin. We had teased him together for as long as I could remember. ”Trust me, you’ll be the first person I’ll go to when I- or if I ever talk to another girl”, I reassured. For some reason despite our deep connection, there had never been anything romantic between us. Sure we had been kids once - meaning he had touched my boobs when we were younger and wanted to know more about the opposite sex - but that was pretty much it. He had always been like a second brother to me.”Doesn’t sound so comforting”, Chanwoo scoffed. I could hear someone or something ruffling the microphone. ”Alright I’ll be there in a bit. I have to figure out a foster home for this pile of fur...””You better do that!” I exclaimed before the connection broke down. Chanwoo and I were in the same situation; we both had no one but each other. Not that it was a bad thing, it just wasn’t exactly the best thing in the world. I mean, I wouldnt mind a girlfriend or two? Although, it had always felt somehow weird for me to watch all these teenage movies where the girls walked in these ridiculous formations and wore each others’ clothes and talked about guys and makeup and… that world just was so far from mine, that I couldnt even begin to understand it. And I was positive that no girl understood mine.It was around six in the evening when our parents finally set their feet to depart. Hanbin and I stood by the front door, him leaning against the left doorframe, and I against the right one. And as soon as the door closed behind the loving middle-aged couple, Hanbin’s face turned into an ear-to-ear reaching smirk.I tilted my head at him, raising my brows.Hanbin’s smirk intesified - he made a silly face.I couldnt help but to chuckle at him.A/N: Hi there! I decided to start writing a new fic, this time its about IKON (Bobby and B.I to be more precise)! So if IKON clicks with you, and you stan them or whatever, I recommend this story to you (lol). And tell me how you like the idea? Can you guess whats about to go down?Also, Im not a gamer myself, so forgive me all the terrible mistakes I make with these references. I beg for your forgiveness.Without further ado, I hope youll enjoy this story!
